HBES members enjoy…

  • One or three years of membership, starting on the day you join
  • Free subscription to Evolution and Human Behavior, the official journal of the Human Behavior & Evolution Society. Join any time during the year and receive all issue (incl. back issues) of the current calendar year
  • Discounted subscription to Human Nature
  • Discounted registration for annual HBES conferences
  • Voting privileges in HBES elections
  • HBES Newsletter
  • Funding opportunities for meetings and events

Individual Memberships

After you have selected your membership level and paid, you will receive an email with a link that will take you to your registration page. As you register, you have the opportunity to add your professional address for inclusion in the members-only directory. We also encourage you to provide your discipline and website.

Individual Regular

Regular One Year

One year membership to HBES.

Regular Three Year

Three year membership to HBES.


Individual Student

Student One Year

One year membership to HBES for students.

Student Three Year

Three year membership to HBES for students.
