Abstract submissions for the Culture Conference 2020 are now open!
Abstract submissions for the Culture Conference 2020 are now open!
Submissions should be relevant to this year’s theme of “Evolutionary Perspectives on Culture”. Abstracts for talks and posters up to 300 words will be accepted until 20th March. Poster submissions also have the option of a 5-minute lightning talk.
This year we’re doing a blind review of all abstracts so please ensure your submission contains no author names, affiliations or other potentially identifying information. Please email cultureconference@stir.ac.uk with your anonymised abstract in a separate attachment.
We are also offering grants for presenters who are students, on low incomes or with high costs associated with attending such as childcare requirements. For more information please email us or see our website: www.culture-conference.com.
We expect that conference registration will open around mid-April, keep an eye on our Twitter feed (@CultConf) and our website for updates