HBES 2025 website (abstracts due Feb 15)

We are happy to announce that the website for #HBES2025 is up and running and is now accepting abstracts! The 36th Annual Human Behavior & Evolution Society Conference will be held June 4th-7th 2025 at Stockton University’s Atlantic City campus and nearby Tropicana Resort. It will be hosted by Josh Duntley, Margaret Lewis, Liz Shobe, and Bobbi Hornbeck.

Here’s the conference website:

Abstract submission is open until Feb 15th, 2025, for all talks, posters, symposia, and panel discussions. Feb 15th is also the deadline to submit your manuscript for the New Investigator Award (best graduate student talk) and Postdoctoral Award (best talk by someone <5 years post-PhD); you can upload your manuscript when you submit your abstract. All posters are automatically considered for the Poster Award. Submit your abstract here:

Registration is now open. The website is not yet ready to accept payment, but you can complete the rest of your registration and we will link it with your payment later. Early Registration ends April 1st, Regular Registration ends June 3. More info is forthcoming.

Atlantic City is known for its entertainment, dining, nightlife, and boardwalk. (If you’ve ever played Monopoly, yes it is that Boardwalk.) Atlantic City is 1h from Philadelphia and 2h from New York City, and there three nearby airports: Atlantic City International (20 min), Philadelphia International (1h), and Newark Liberty International (1.5h); the latter two have trains to Atlantic City. Travel details are here:

The hosts have reserved accommodation at the Tropicana at reasonable rates – use the conference website for the conference rates. Students can also book accommodation in the Stockton Atlantic City Dorms for $44/night + $18 linens (with no tax or fees).

More information will be announced as it becomes available, by e-mails, the newsletter, and social media (currently X and Facebook, and soon-to-be Blue Sky). For questions, contact HBES2025@stockton.edu

We’re looking forward to seeing you all in Stockton in June! But for now, Happy Holidays!

The HBES Team


Culture Conference 2021: Registration and Abstract Submissions Open

The organizers of the Culture Conference 2021 invite you to join them for a two-day conference hosted by the University of Stirling, UK, from June 7-8, 2021. The conference will be held virtually this year! 


Abstract Submissions are being accepted for Short Talks, Lightning Talks, and Poster Presentations! Please see the website for full details: www.culture-conference.com


Abstracts should be 300 words or less and should relate to the theme of ‘Evolutionary Perspectives on Culture‘ which we are interpreting very broadly. We welcome applications from any discipline that is interested in the study of culture. You have until May 3 to Submit an Abstract, and up until the conference date to register as an attendee.


This year, their are small grants available to presenters who mark that they are interested in aid in the registration form (below). The aim of the small grant is to support presenters in the endeavor of preparing their presentations and offer them some compensation for their time and effort.


To submit an abstract:

Evolutionary Psychology Preconference at SPSP: Abstracts due Nov 15

The 19th annual Evolutionary Psychology Preconference at SPSP, to be held virtually on Feb. 10, 2021, is still accepting submissions for posters and data blitz talks through November 15th.

To find out more about the preconference, visit http://ep2021.mystrikingly.com for submission information, speaker lineup, & more!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact organizers Michael Barlev (mlbarlev@gmail.com) Will McAuliffe (williamhbmcauliffe@gmail.com), and Jaimie Krems (jaimie.krems@okstate.edu).

Evolutionary Medicine Summer Institute (EMSI) at North Carolina State University

We invite students, postdocs, faculty, public health practitioners, physicians, and veterinarians to the annual Evolutionary Medicine Summer Institute (EMSI) at North Carolina State University from May 17th to May 22, 2020, sponsored by the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (TriCEM) and organized by Brian Wiegmann (NCSU), Charles Nunn (Duke University) and Meredith Spence Beaulieu (Duke University).

EMSI will bring together internationally recognized experts in evolutionary biology with students and health practitioners who want to apply these perspectives to cancer, infectious disease, evolution of microbial resistance, neurology, autoimmune disease, the microbiome, and more. Mornings will feature lectures and exercises that are designed to instill an understanding of the core concepts in evolutionary medicine. In the afternoons, we will break into subgroups for training on specific evolutionary methods, including phylogenetics, molecular evolution, and evolutionary epidemiology, including introductions to key computational approaches. We will periodically regroup to share these findings across fields, and to promote a deeper understanding of the material and concepts through explanation to those in other disciplines. The evenings will include short talks by local experts on topics in evolutionary medicine, and time for further discussions and networking.

The Summer Institute offers a unique opportunity to learn foundational principles and gain hands on experience with evolutionary methods that are applicable to specific health challenges. In addition to this training, we offer the opportunity to network and build collaborations for scientists and practitioners across disciplines. To facilitate networking, teams will form to initiate short papers that present evolutionary perspectives on specific diseases, which will be submitted as “Clinical Briefs” to the journal Evolution, Medicine and Public Health, potentially resulting in a short publication for interested participants.

Registration for EMSI is $325 without housing and $525 with housing.
Please direct questions to Meredith Spence Beaulieu (meredith.spence.beaulieu@duke.edu) or Courtni France (cnf12@duke.edu).

You can apply at this website: https://sites.duke.edu/emsi/what-is-emsi/
Applications are due March 20, 2020.

Abstract submissions for the Culture Conference 2020 are now open!

Abstract submissions for the Culture Conference 2020 are now open!

Submissions should be relevant to this year’s theme of “Evolutionary Perspectives on Culture”. Abstracts for talks and posters up to 300 words will be accepted until 20th March. Poster submissions also have the option of a 5-minute lightning talk.

This year we’re doing a blind review of all abstracts so please ensure your submission contains no author names, affiliations or other potentially identifying information. Please email cultureconference@stir.ac.uk with your anonymised abstract in a separate attachment.

We are also offering grants for presenters who are students, on low incomes or with high costs associated with attending such as childcare requirements. For more information please email us or see our website: www.culture-conference.com.

We expect that conference registration will open around mid-April, keep an eye on our Twitter feed (@CultConf) and our website for updates

The 4th Brazilian Meeting on Evolution of Human Behavior 23-27 Mach 2020

About the Conference:

The 4th Brazilian Meeting on Evolution of Human Behavior is an international scientific conference aiming to discuss the human mind and behavior holistically, analyzing the origins and causes of human behavior, its changes, development, and social impact, creating an integrative understanding and basis for application in various areas. In addition to its scientific impact, the event is expected to create and strengthen collaborations among world and Brazilian researchers and students.

Date and place: 23rd and 27th of March 2020, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil.

Keynote speakers: Martie Haselton (USA), Paul Vasey (Canada); Catherine Salmon (USA); David Puts (USA); Tabita Hünemeier (Brazil); Dennis Werner (Brazil)




  1. Feminist Perspective in Evolutionary Psychology (Maryanne Fisher, Canada, together with the Brazilian collective “Maria Emilia – (R)evolutionary women”)
  2. Human Sexuality from the Evolutionary Perspective (Catherine Salmon, David Puts, Paul Vasey)
  3. Comparative Study of Development: Environmental effects (Briseida Resende, Patricia Izar, Nicolas Chaline)


Besides, we plan approximately 5 thematic oral sessions, and one poster session, depending on the number of abstract submissions.

Abstract submissions: Abstract submissions are open until November 10th 2019. We encourage submissions of empirical or theoretical studies focusing on the mind and/or behavior of humans and other animals based on evolutionary or ethological perspectives.


Key deadlines:

Abstract submissions: Nov 10th 2019

Notification of Acceptance:  Nov 25th 2019

Conference registration: Early bird until Dez 1st 2019

For more details please see our website: https://www.4thbrazilianehb.com/

And Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4thbrazilianehb/

Organizers: Jaroslava Varella Valentova; Anthonieta Looman Mafra; Marco Antonio Correa Varella

Funding: FAPESP

Call for proposals: ROPH’20 Conference on Research on Political Hostility

The Research on Political Hostility (ROPH) Project at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, in collaboration with the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) are pleased to open this call for proposals for the ROPH’20 conference on research on political hostility. The conference will take place at AIAS on January 23-24, 2020.

About the Conference

Democratic societies are facing a new challenge: Frequent and intense online political hostility. Hostility is apparent in conversations about politics between citizens, and between elites, and is arguably also a defining feature a lot of “fake news”. The ROPH’20 conference takes stock of our current knowledge about online political hostility and identify the next big questions we need to solve. The backbone of the conference will be a series of plenary talks by leading figures from diverse academic disciplines including political science, communication science, and psychology. The conference will also host roundtable discussions with practitioners and two poster sessions to facilitate dissemination of cutting-edge research. We expect considerable interest from representatives of media and practitioners. The ROPH’20 conference marks the launch of the five-year Research on Online Political Hostility (ROPH) project, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.

Keynote speakers

Diana Mutz, Michael Hogg, Sander van der Linden, Lilliana Mason, Stephan Lewandowsky, Jason Reifler, Alexandra Siegel, Luke Glowacki, Patricia Rossini, and Michael Bang Petersen

Submission of poster proposal

An important aim of the conference is to facilitate networking in an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners interested in political hostility, broadly defined. Accordingly, there will be great emphasis on the two poster sessions hosted during the conference. Each poster session will be held at a central location of the venue, will be accompanied by either drinks or snacks and will contain a select number of presenters to avoid overcrowding.

We invite both junior and established researchers interested in causes, consequences or counter-measures related to political hostility to submit 300-word abstracts proposing a poster. The conference embraces interdisciplinarity, and is open to submissions from all fields, but we particularly welcome submissions from political science, psychology, communication science, anthropology, and computer science. The deadline for submission is Oct 28 and decision letters will be send out in early November. To submit your proposal, click here.

Participants who will not present papers are also welcome to attend the conference.

Key deadlines:

  • Poster proposals: Oct 28 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance:  Nov 5 2019
  • Conference registration: Jan 9 2020

For more details please see our website: http://aias.au.dk/events/roph20-conference/

3rd Jávea Workshop on Social and Evolutionary Psychology March 26th – 28th 2020

Social Psychology and Evolutionary Psychology: Integration and Progress

Dates: 26thof March (arrival and welcome dinner) till 28thof March 2020 (final dinner with live music). This is a couple of days before the EHBEA conference in Krakow, Poland. There are many direct flights to Alicante, the airport closest to Jávea (Xàbia)

Organizing universities:University of Groningen, Arizona State University and University of Valencia

Number of participants: minimally 15, maximally 20

Scientific committee:

Vaughn Becker, Arizona State University, USA

Abraham P. Buunk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Robin Dunbar, University of Oxford, UK

Douglas T. Kenrick, Arizona State University, USA

Karlijn Massar, Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Ferran Suay i Lerma, University of Valencia, Spain


Local organizer: Abraham P. Buunk, a.p.buunk@rug.nl

Participants: A maximum of 20 people, with a balance will between junior and senior scholars, men and women, North Americans and Europeans, and evolutionary and social psychologists.

Location: Hotel Costamar, Jávea (Xàbia), Province of Alicante, Spain. http://hotelcostamarjavea.es/

This decent and clean hotel is located a few metres from the beach in the old port of Jávea (Xàbia). This city has a characteristic old town, with narrow streets and toscastone buildings, a spectacular coast line, and a relatively unspoiled, beautiful inland with canyons, mountains and quaint little villages.

Registration fee: € 150,-. This includes three dinners in various restaurants, drinks, a guided tour through the old town of Jávea (Xàbia), a social event with paella and live Cuban music.

Hotel rates: We can happily just benefit from the low season rates. For the workshop, one needs three nights. Rates per night: vary from € 35 for a single room to € 70.- for a double room with sea view and balcony.

Some participants may be booked in another hotel, a minute walking distance away.

Hotel rooms should be booked through Abraham Buunk.


The goal of this workshop is to promote the integration between social psychology and evolutionary psychology. These disciplines have many overlapping interests, including mate selection, person perception, altruism, aggression, sex differences, intergroup conflict, ostracism, and leadership. Each speaker will have 25 minutes for his or her presentation, with 10 minutes of discussion.


Abstracts of 100 words that fit the goals of the workshop can be submitted no later than December 1st  2019 to Abraham Buunk, a.p.buunk@rug.nl.

No later than January 15th, participants will be informed whether or not their paper is accepted, and will receive travel information.

Call for abstracts: Cognition, Behaviour & Evolution Network meeting 14-15 Nov 2019

CBEN 2019


DATE: November 14-15, 2019
PLACE: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Cognition, Behavior & Evolution Network (CBEN) brings together scholars from evolutionary psychology, behavioral ecology, human biology, primatology, philosophy, and cultural evolution. Founded in 2015, CBEN facilitates research and education regarding evolution of cognition and behavior. CBEN is based in The Netherlands and Belgium but we welcome scholars from other countries to join us.

We organize an annual conference in the Fall semester. This year we welcome everyone to the University of Amsterdam on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 November 2019. The central theme of this year’s conference will be “The Costs and Benefits of Sociality”. We especially welcome submissions that fit this year’s theme from evolutionary, behavioral, and cognitive perspectives. Yet, we also welcome scholars from other subfields to present their work either as an oral presentation or a poster presentation. We have very exciting keynote speakers, who are world-class researchers on this topic: Simon Gächter, Joan Silk and Cecile Sarabian. Please find more information about the conference (e.g., abstract submission, registration) here.

Call for Abstracts: 2nd annual meeting of the Australasian Society for Human Behaviour and Evolution

Registration is now open for EPinOz 2019 – the second annual meeting of the Australasian Society for Human Behaviour and Evolution (https://www.ashbe.org/). It will be held 6th December, in the UNSW Business School (Kensington Campus, UNSW).

Registration is free and will include morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea for the day. We will also have prizes for Best Student Presentation.

Students and faculty are strongly encouraged to attend and present (non-presenting attendees are also very, very welcome!). We invite presentations from any field related to the study of human behaviour from an evolutionary perspective (including evolutionary psychology, anthropology, and behavioural ecology, including from presenters working on non-human species, with direct implications for understanding the evolution of human behaviour).

The conference will be followed by post-conference drinks / food at the Coogee Pavilion.

Click here to register (and submit an abstract): https://csufobjbs.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bHoZw3Avq7UnXsp