On the Origin of the Evolution Revolution: Conversations with the Pioneers of Evolutionary Biology, Anthropology, and Psychology

Co-edited by Barry X. Kuhle & Catherine Salmon
To be published by Cambridge University Press in 2020

Interviews with 14 HBES Pioneers

Bill Irons (43 minutes)
Bobbi Low (28 minutes)
David Buss (52 minutes)
Doug Kenrick (39 minutes)
John Tooby (25 minutes)
Leda Cosmides (30 minutes)
Mark Flinn (20 minutes)
Martin Daly (39 minutes)
Napoleon Chagnon (28 minutes)
Randy Thornhill (17 minutes)
Sarah Hrdy (Interviewed with Bill Irons; 97 minutes)
Steve Pinker (14 minutes)
David Sloan Wilson (36 minutes)
Ed Wilson (105 minutes)


Chapter Proposals for Xenolinguistics: Toward a Science of Extraterrestrial Language

Would extraterrestrial intelligence have language? If so, what can we say about the nature of such language prior to making contact, or before even knowing whether extraterrestrial intelligence exists? To explore these questions, chapter proposals are invited for an edited book titled Xenolinguistics: Toward a Science of Extraterrestrial Language. This book builds upon the forthcoming Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Cognition and Communication in the Universe (Oxford University Press, 2018), which is also edited by Douglas Vakoch. Proposals informed by the evolution of language are encouraged, as are proposals exploring the distinctive nature of language when compared with nonhuman communication systems.

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Spring School on Quantitative Methods May 2016 | MPI Science of Human History, Germany

Research in cultural and linguistic evolution is growing rapidly. New scholars need to quickly grasp a range of computational and quantitative methods from across different disciplines, to learn to organise and present data, and to critically evaluate the right approaches for their research. Recognising a need for interdisciplinary training from within the field, the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History will be holding its first Spring School on Quantitative Methods from May 13th-18th 2016. Applications are due March 1st.

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