Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology invites submissions for a forthcoming special issue on Evolutionary Criminology. The goal of this special issue is to advance the understanding of how, and in what ways, an evolutionary framework can be applied to understand criminal behavior. In the past several decades, research examining the connection between evolutionary processes and criminal behavior has gained momentum across multiple disciplines, such as psychology, criminology, and the biological sciences. With this in mind, this special issue seeks to combine papers from diverse fields of study, that employ different methodologies, and focus on various topics relevant to evolutionary criminology. All submissions should be submitted via Evolutionary Psychology’s manuscript submission portal at: The deadline for papers to be received is October 1st, 2022.
Any questions can be directed to the guest editors of the special issue:
Kevin M. Beaver, Ph.D.
Florida State University
Bridget Joyner, M.S.
Florida State University