HBES Elections 2023
The Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) is currently conducting elections for all offices.
Votes will be collected from April 15 to May 15, 2023.
We kindly ask you to cast your vote and use the opportunity to check/update your account.
1) HBES 2023 Election:
To cast your vote:
i) Go to HBESwebsite at http://www.hbes.com
ii) Login with your credentials (“Login” menu top right). In case you have forgotten your password, please reset it (“Forgot password?”).
iii) Once you are logged in, click on “2023 HBES Elections” in the pale yellow bar at the top of the page. This will open the ballot page.
iv) Please cast your vote, either by selecting from nominated candidates, or by providing names of alternative candidates.
v) Once you have indicated your vote, click on “Submit your vote” on bottom of the page.
Please note that only one vote from a member is permitted; i.e., once you have logged in to the website and submitted your vote, you won’t be able to vote again.
2) HBES Account information:
Please use the opportunity to check – and, if necessary, update – your account information while you are logged in to the HBES Website.
You can access your HBES account by clicking on “Update Profile” in the top menu.
Check that your information is complete and up-to-date. “Submit” any changes by clicking on the button on the bottom of the page.
Thank you!