An issue of EHB

Print subscriptions to E&HB are ending

HBES has recently had to renegotiate our contract for our society’s journal, Evolution and Human Behavior (EHB), with the publisher, Elsevier. It had traditionally been part of this contract that HBES pays for the mailing of print copies to members who request a print copy. This costs the society a fair bit of money in mailing fees. Given that our royalties are lower than in previous years, and the majority of people read articles on a computer nowadays, HBES has opted to phase out print copies of EHB (details TBD). New subscriptions will only have the options of online subscriptions. This will allow us to redirect those funds towards other things like subsidizing the annual conference.

Your membership will still grant you access to our journal online, especially if you don’t have access via an institution. We are working on making this process as simple as possible, and eventually hope to have it integrated through our society’s website ( Eventually this will give easy online access for all members.


The HBES executive