Oklahoma State Cluster Hiring Across the Social Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at Oklahoma State University is recruiting up to five open-rank faculty members to specialize in endemic- and pandemic-related research. This is a cluster-hire that will lead to the hiring of at least one open-rank faculty member in each of CAS’s three pillars: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences. Information on individual departments may be found here: https://cas.okstate.edu/departments_and_programs. The goal is to cultivate an interdisciplinary research community dedicated to critical questions related to infectious disease and endemic/pandemic studies. This new area of research emphasis will be facilitated by the Oklahoma Pandemic Center for Innovation and Excellence (https://oklahoma.gov/opcie), currently under development in Stillwater, OK, the location of Oklahoma State University’s main campus.
Applications due April 5. Full advert can be found here.