Two post-doctoral positions on cultural evolution
The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena (Germany) are seeking to employ two full-time postdoctoral researchers in the field of cultural evolution. The positions are tied to the Minds and Traditions research group (“the Mint”), an Independent Max Planck Research Group that will open in 2016. They are for 2 years, renewable for a total of 5 years maximum, starting in the first half of 2016. Candidates need to have completed a PhD, and to be familiar with the field of cultural evolution. They will be expected to take part in a research project devoted to the cognitive science and cultural evolution of graphic codes. If interested, please send a motivation letter (maximum two pages) to the group’s principal investigator, Olivier Morin ( by October the 1st, 2015. The complete call can be accessed here.